Quotes From "Radical Hope: Letters Of Love And Dissent In Dangerous Times" By Carolina De Robertis

Colonial power, patriarchal power, capitalist power must always and everywhere...
Colonial power, patriarchal power, capitalist power must always and everywhere be battled, because they never, ever quit. (Junot Diaz) Carolina De Robertis
The human story is one of continual branching movement, out of Africa to every corner of the globe. When people talk of blood and soil, as if their ancestors sprung fully formed from the earth of a particular place, it involves a kind of forgetting.( Hari Kunzru) Carolina De Robertis
But language is malleable, and it is not always on the side of truth. This is something every writer knows. Words make and unmake the world with terrifying rapidity, and they do so without moral distinction… There is a battle going on right now over the words we use, over who has the right to speak and who does not. (Katie Kitamura) Carolina De Robertis
That people you don’t know are worth knowing, that they have something to teach you. That learning about them — that encountering new ideas — doesn’t threaten you, it enriches you. (Celeste Ng) Carolina De Robertis
Nothing changes if we just feel shitty about being White. And nothing changes if we refuse to talk about it. The opposite of white pride does not have to be white shame. We can’t push it away and pretend it’s not us. We are not color-blind, we are not post-race, we do not get to reject our whiteness because it makes us feel bad… This does not get solved with a Celebration of Diversity Day and a coexist bumper sticker. (Kate Schatz) . Carolina De Robertis